Power management systems

Got enough power for running your scrubber?

It’s great to have a scrubber that can remove SOx emissions from your vessel’s exhaust, but it’s less great if the scrubber also takes out your onboard power system. With intelligent power management, you can comply with IMO regulations, avoid blackouts – and save fuel.

Benefits over PLC solutions in critical power applications

Is there a way of ensuring controller redundancy in critical power systems in order to maximise reliability and uptime? With multi-master power management systems, the answer is a resounding YES, and you can get other value-added benefits into the bargain. Get an overview here, and the full details in our FREE whitepaper.

What exactly is power management?

Power management is the art of matching power demand with power supply, and a power management system (PMS) can do this for you, automatically, efficiently and consistently. Get more details about what power management means in this blog post!

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