Multi-line 300 GPC 300 ver. 1.x.x.

Multi-line 300 GPC 300 ver. 1.x.x.

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This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPC 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version

Minimum required version of PICUS:

GPC 300

New features:

  • EIC: Added support of Cummins CM 570 Industrial.
  • EIC: Added support of Cummins CM 2350 Industrial.
  • EIC: Added support of Cummins CM 2880 Industrial.
  • EIC: Added support of Cummins Generic Industrial.


This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPC 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version

Minimum required version of PICUS:

GPC 300

New features:

  • EIC: Added support of Cummins CM 570 Industrial.
  • EIC: Added support of Cummins CM 2350 Industrial.
  • EIC: Added support of Cummins CM 2880 Industrial.
  • EIC: Added support of Cummins Generic Industrial.


This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPC 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version

Minimum required version of PICUS:

GPC 300

New feature:

  • New variant that has a mains with mains breaker and tie breaker.
  • Added emulation for single gensets.
  • Added the possibility to read dynamic section status in CODESYS.
  • Added PMS power measurement data.


  • Changed the maximum value for breaker open failure delay to 60 seconds.
  • Changed the maximum value for breaker close failure delay to 60 seconds.
  • Added PMS power measurement data.
  • Selection of "Phase-Phase" / "Phase-Neutral" on selected voltage protections are always shown.


  • Emulation now works with fixed power, while mains is exporting (negative kW values on mains).
  • Breaker operation counter now increments correctly in emulation.
  • Fixed issue with no tags shown in HMI for AC setup parameter.
  • Improved backup percentage count in PICUS.
  • Missing texts have been added.
  • It is now possible to access the DM2 log from PICUS.
  • Fixed missing IOM3.4 support.
  • Analogue AVR now works in emulation.
  • Fixed an issue with external breaker feature in emulation.
  • Fixed an issue with using the stop command from switchboard in emulation. This would not stop the engine when running in parallel.
  • Mains variants have regulator control available in emulation.
  • Close failure can now be emulated.
  • The response time for the trip breaker output can exceed 100ms if the configuration has been done in a particular order and the controller has not been power cycled.
  • Fixed issue where there could be Hz on the generator measurements in emulation when the engine was stopped.
  • Fixed issue with MPU wire break. It is now working.
  • Fixed issue where the states in emulation were preserved when emulation was not enabled.

DU 300

New features:

  • Introduces a new view for exhaust after-treatment dashboard increasing the support of Tier 4 and Stage V engines.


This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPC 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version

Minimum required version of PICUS:

GPC 300

New feature:

  • Added support for multiple applications with a parameter to select active application and custom plant name. (Not supported by PICUS.)


  • Fixed issue where I/O parameter configuration was passed on from one external breaker or a heavy consumer on the single line to another when during commissioning. I/O configuration and parameters are not reset.
  • Fixed issue where manual regulation didn't work in emulation.
  • Fixed issue where analogue regulation was unstable in emulation.
  • Fixed issue with GAM3.2 not working in emulation.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect regulator mode when a single genset (GB only) connected to mains.
  • Actual Power total in % is now showing on DU-300 (Live data) and in PICUS.
  • Fixed issue with external voltage offset in load sharing not working.

DU 300

New features:

  • Introduces a new view for exhaust after-treatment dashboard increasing the support of Tier 4 and Stage V engines.


This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPC 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version

Minimum required version of PICUS:

GPC 300

First release

DU 300

New features:

  • Introduces a new view for exhaust after-treatment dashboard increasing the support of Tier 4 and Stage V engines.

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