SGC Smart Connect Mk II

SGC Smart Connect Mk II

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DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II

  • Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12 to R16.
  • Supports SGC 420 Mk ll R12 to R16.
  • Supports SGC 120 Mk ll Lite R16.
  • Supports SGC 420 Mk ll Lite R16.

New Features

  • Added Custom Sensor for SGC 120 Mk ll.
  • Added Portuguese translation for SGC 120 Mk ll.
  • Added Spanish  translation for SGC 120 Mk ll.
  • Added support for Russian Hebrew, Ukrainian, Turkish texts for SGC 120 Mk ll & 420 Mk ll.
  • Added support for SGC 120 Mk ll Lite & SGC 420 Mk ll Lite.


  • Updated range of LOP sensor from (0-10) to (0-99) for SGC 120 Mk ll & 420 Mk ll.
  • Updated On and OFF Delay of M-logic to (0-600 sec) for SGC 120 Mk ll & 420 Mk ll.


DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II

  • Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12 to R16.
  • Supports SGC 420 Mk ll R12 to R16.
  • Supports SGC 120 Mk ll Lite R16.
  • Supports SGC 420 Mk ll Lite R16.

New Features

  • Added Custom Sensor for SGC 120 Mk ll.
  • Added Portuguese translation for SGC 120 Mk ll.
  • Added Spanish  translation for SGC 120 Mk ll.
  • Added support for Russian Hebrew, Ukrainian, Turkish texts for SGC 120 Mk ll & 420 Mk ll.
  • Added support for SGC 120 Mk ll Lite & SGC 420 Mk ll Lite.


  • Updated range of LOP sensor from (0-10) to (0-99) for SGC 120 Mk ll & 420 Mk ll.
  • Updated On and OFF Delay of M-logic to (0-600 sec) for SGC 120 Mk ll & 420 Mk ll.


DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II
• Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12 to R15.
• Supports SGC 420 Mk ll R12 to R16.

New Features    
• Language: Added support for Romanian in Smart Connect.
• Language: Added support for Spanish in Smart Connect & Controller Display.

• On and OFF Delay for M-Logic Range updated to 0-600 seconds.
• LOP sensor range changed from 0-10 to 0-99.
• Custom sensor Name editable from engine Module.


DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II
• Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12 to R15.
• Supports SGC 420 Mk ll R12 to R15.

New features
• Compatibility of SGC 120 R15.00 added.
• Validation of interlocks.
• Summary table for digital input, output and analogue input added.
• Reading the event log in live mode added.
• Reading and writing of M-Logic in live mode added.


DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II
• Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12 to R14.
• Supports SGC 420 Mk ll R12 to R15.

New features
• Support for SGC 420 Mk ll R15.0.
• Added digital input summary.
• Added digital output summary.
• Added analog input summary.
• Updated translations.


DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II

• Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12, R13 & R14.
• Supports SGC 420 Mk ll R12, R13 & R14.


DEIF Smart Connect Software for SGC 1xx / 4xx Mk II

• Initial release.
• Supports SGC 120 Mk ll R12.0.
• Supports SGC 420 Mk ll R12.0 & R13.0.

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